Get your butt in the chair and start

It might be the holiday season, but that doesn’t mean SAW’s online Mighty Network has taken anytime to rest. We’ve got the latest here for you and you can experience it all for yourself anytime by signing up today!


First up, a great clip shared by Donna.

Next, a story about memories and grief by Anna Moriarty Lev called Recuerdos that serves as a good reminder that a simple line style can go a long way to illustrate a powerful story.

And last but not least, a comic by Sarah Glidden over at The Nib, Climate Inktober.


This one comes, not from our free resources catalog, but from our latest edition to the Mighty Network. In celebration of Lynda Barry’s latest book, Making Comics, we’ve started a group to share some of her commentary and exercises, and share our responses to the activities. It’s an informal opportunity to utilize the great resource of Barry’s comics making and teaching experience.

For those of you who aren’t familiar with the book, Lynda Barry has published another great resource based on more than five years teaching as an associate professor in the University of Wisconsin–Madison art department and at the Wisconsin Institute for Discovery. In that time she has taught students from all majors, both graduate and undergraduate, how to make comics, how to be creative, how to not think. Making Comics includes ongoing commentary about comics, practice and art, as well as activities and responses directly from the classroom. It’s a wonderful opportunity to go through her class at your own pace. And if you’re so inclined, include your responses through the Mighty Network!



This week Tom shared some great resources for using color as a storytelling tool using some wild examples from Eleanor Davis, David Mazzuchelli and Brecht Evens.

For example, Brecht uses color for individual characters, while Davis makes the balloons a certain color, or certain background elements, or body parts are a single solid color.

How do you use color as a storytelling tool?



Want to write a memoir? Just start! Here’s a great article from Forbes.

Whatever you want to write about, the most important thing to remember is to get your butt in the chair and start your writing journey.


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Somehow it’s December and the year is coming to a close. We’ve got just the thing for you to celebrate the end of another year.

Thursday December 12 we’ll be meeting at SAW for our last Draw Jam of the year. We’ll be getting together at SAW to draw, read, write, share, eat, breath, talk comics! Bring snacks and supplies! We’ll provide the music, games and library.

The following night, Friday December 13, we’re coming together again for our end of semester exhibition. From 7pm until late, our year-long workshop students will be sharing their work alongside mini-comics and collections from the last year of workshops at SAW.

When SAW comics back for its Spring semester, we have Comics 102 starting January 8. Wednesdays for five weeks, students will build on their story telling foundation and make great comics!

Saturday January 18, Leela Corman will be taking a women only one-day workshop at SAW. Keep an eye out for more information.

Sunday January 19 we have a free one day workshop in the SAW space. You bring the stories, we’ll bring the art making supplies.

February 15-17, our Memoir Summit launches for three days of intense memoir workshopping. Places are limited so sign up today!

And don’t forget, March 2-6, Jackie Davis will be in Gainesville for our annual visiting artist workshop. Join the infamous Underpants and Overbites to learn more about Diary Comics, water color and taking your art where you want it to go.


Do you want to hear more about what’s going on at SAW? Join us at the Mighty Network, and support us over on Patreon to receive regular updates about the school including interviews with students and visiting artists, behind the scenes of comics making and even digital comics in their final form.


Koyama Press Scholarship for the May Workshop


One last Draw Jam and a final Fall BANG!