We're in! An update on the move


With January two thirds of the way gone, we’re excited to share that we’re pretty much all moved in here at the new SAW location. While there are still some boxes to unpack and furniture to arrange, the space is beginning to take shape.

Thanks to the support of donations from our community we were able to hire local movers (thanks 2 College Brothers!!) and replace some of our least stable library shelves (new shelves pictured below). On top of that, we’re planning a new sign for out the front which should be up in the next month.

None of this would be possible without the help and support of some of our most beloved Gainesville locals coming down to help us out. Thanks Kathryn (MVP), Elli, Nicole, Carly, Tiffany, Amy, Jack, Robert, Carlos, Ethan, Chris, John and Barry for helping us get this place off the ground. 

We’re hoping to have an open day of sorts in late February (limited numbers, masked and partially outdoors). Until then, enjoy this collection of process photos from the move.

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DAY 7.jpg

This photo (above) was taken today. We've only go a couple more sections to finish organising (anthology, instructional and our ever-growing zine library) and we'll be all done in the library. 

Next up, organise our art supplies, workshop space and dedicated drawing area. 


And for those of you in colder climates, enjoy this photo (above) from yesterday, one of our comfy chairs pulled out into the sun to enjoy the comic ruminations of Sophie Yanow's 'In Situ'.

Rest assured, there’ll be more updates to come. Until then, happy comics making!

- Emma @ SAW




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