“[A student] mentioned in this week's live call: "When is something done? Is this done?" -- what does finished look like? Do you have a version that's loose and one that's very formal? Talk about your process.

Sometimes you need a friend to tell you it's done! Sometimes you need to create one finished page or panel to see the rest of it. 

Commit to the action! Commit to the medium. Put some of the toys from the toybox away if you are feeling frenetic from having too many choices.

I used to put my fingers in between all the pages of the Choose Your Own Adventure books, because I was scared I would choose the wrong ending. Choose! It won't be wrong.”

- Jess Ruliffson at SAW

What does finished look like to you? Try to create and FINISH something, a panel, a page, a full-mini comic. When does it look FINISHED? How do you know?

Tell us in the comments or in our FREE online community, SAW's Mighty Network!


Do you have a story inside you that’s just itching to come out, but want some guidance to help push it out?

Learn more about intensive comics learning with teachers at SAW by checking out SAW’s Year-Long Intensive Program and our Six-Month Graphic Novel Intensive.

Be sure to also check out our Online Courses, since some courses are offered year-round and are always enrolling!

Our Graphic Memoir Intensive runs year round and is always enrolling.  It includes access to a vibrant working community, twice-monthly live online check-ins, weekly prompts, and access to SAW’s Monthly Pro Calls!

Our Comics Flow Group, or SAW FLOW MEMBERSHIP, is also year-round and always enrolling and is SAW's MOST AFFORDABLE course option with access to Monthly Pro-Calls!

And, of course, come see what we’re all up to on SAW's Mighty Network anytime!


SAW Friday Night Comics: Drawing and Doodling for Relaxation & Creativity with Cara Bean


SAW and Believer Magazine's Friday Night Comics Workshops!