SAW in person programs return: Comics Foundations with Andi Santagata starting September 6


Starting September 6, SAW returns to in person programs with Comics Foundations led by Andi Santagata.

Over 12 sessions, Andi will be covering the basics of the comics-making process from thumbnailing through to inking. Based on their own interdisciplinary approach to comics storytelling, they will draw from theatre, animation and acting, to lay a solid foundation for the good ol’ comics fundamentals!

Come learn and get super excited about the art of creating comics!

This class meets twice a week for six weeks starting September 6 through to October 13. Monday and Wednesday 11am to 1pm.


About the Instructor:

Andi Santagata is a cartoonist based in White River Junction, Vermont (by way of Los Angeles, by way of Las Vegas, by way of Singapore, by way of Hong Kong). They’re mostly known for their work in the horror-comedy and YA genres, including Trans Man Walking, Jed the Undead, and American Spirits: Freelance Ghostbusters, as well as their work in anthologies such as Tabula Idem: A Queer Tarot Anthology and Wayward Kindred. They have a graduate degree from the Center for Cartoon studies, served as the Artist-in-Residence Fellow at the Cape Cod National Seashore in Provincetown, and was a 2017 Fellow at the Denver Independent Comics & Arts Fest (DINK Denver). They’re also into ska, Fallout, and all kinds of goofy goth stuff.

Andi joins SAW as the 2021 Session 1 Artist in Residence. This teaching residency brings award-winning emerging and established cartoonists from across the United States to Gainesville, Florida. Its our hope to enrich the thriving comics community of mid central Florida and provide new opportunities for comics artists to grow their practice and share their professional experience.


Price: Sliding scale between $80-225

About sliding scale pricing: Please pay what you can. If you can afford to pay a little (or a lot) more, you can help us make fantastic SAW learning experiences accessible to students in need, and you’ll help our indie art school grow and thrive.

COVID 19 Policy:

As we return to in person programs we are conscious of maintaining safety measures for the health and safety of our community. This includes:

- Reduced class sizes to allow for social distancing;

- Masks to be worn inside;

- Increased cleaning before and after each workshopping session;

- Hand sanitizer and masks available to everyone;

- Online learning opportunities continue to be available;

- 'Happy Hour' access to the SAW space for community-members who don’t feel safe sharing the space.

We encourage all of our staff, students and community to access the vaccine if possible.

We're a tiny(!) non-profit arts organization built on mutual respect. If anyone is experiencing symptoms we ask that they notify the school immediately and stay home until they've received a negative test to help protect our other students and staff.

This workshop is subject to cancellation depending on recommendations from the CDC.



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