5 Card Nancy Cards for Sale

Ok, we’ve posted, and we’ve listened!

You can buy our Nancy Cards here!


We have never offered these for sale because they were never perfect. Still aren’t. In fact, we are calling these version 1.0.

The printing is good, but some of the scans are junk. Some are literally scans of photocopies from 1993.

But… they are still awesome and we’ve had loads of fun with them.


There are FOUR different decks…

purchasable from 2 different locations (part of the to-do list for version 2.0!)

You have to order direct from the two printers—->

Click the image if the javascript is not embedded

Click the image if the javascript is not embedded

The cards above are

Nancy Deck 2 - 108 cards of mixed narrative use. Few silent or dreaming. Those are below.
Nancy Dreams A - 72 cards. All dreaming and sleeping. Good for, you know, dream logic.
Nancy Silent Draft A - 126 cards with some duplication. Lots of running, staring, walking, mugging, etc. Good for narrative transitions.

IF YOU CAN’T SEE THE ABOVE because of their horrible widget, then click here—>

Nancy Grab Bag Deck

The deck above is another mixed use deck of various narrative panels. 234 panels! We don’t think there is any duplication between the two grab bag decks, but there might be some we missed. We prefer this grab bag deck, but they’re both good!

IF YOU CAN’T SEE THAT ONE, click here —->


Needless to say, these wouldn’t be a thing without ERNIE BUSHMILLER, creator of NANCY, or SCOTT MCCLOUD, creator of 5-Card Nancy.

When I was a young cartoonist in about 1994, Scott took a bunch of us youngsters into a San Diego hotel hallway and played this game with us. It blew my mind, I cannot overemphasize. It rewired how I thought about comics. I have been seeking out that feeling again and again.

I hope these cards -however rough in their current form- can offer you something similar. (And I hope Misters Bushmiller and McCloud don’t mind…)

Oh, this is how we like to play, but you can play any way you like!

Oh, this is how we like to play, but you can play any way you like!


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